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Batch tests for assessing decolourisation of azo dyes by methanogenic and mixed cultures
Authors:Brás R  Ferra M I  Pinheiro H M  Cabral Gonçalves I

a Departamento de Química, Universidade da Beira Interior, R. Marquês D'Avila e Bolama, 6200, Covilha, Portugal

b Centro de Engenharia Biológica e Química, Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, P-1049-001, Lisbon, Portugal

Most of the published studies on azo dye colour removal involve anaerobic mixed cultures and there is some interest in the knowledge of how dye reduction occurs, if by facultative, strictly anaerobic or both bacterial trophic groups present in classic anaerobic digestors. This paper describes the behaviour of methanogenic and mixed bacteria cultures on the colour removal in batch systems, of a commercial azo dye, C.I. Acid Orange 7, used in paper and textile industries. The aim of this study is to demonstrate, by analysing dye decolourisation, that it occurs with mixed cultures as well as with strictly anaerobic (methanogenic) cultures. Tests were performed with a range of dye concentrations between 60 and 300 mg l−1. The influence of dye concentration on the carbon source removal and decolourisation processes was studied. The effect of carbon source concentration on colour removal was also analysed for both cultures. The degradation rates in mixed and methanogenic cultures were compared. The consumption of carbon source was monitored by COD analysis and dye degradation by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry and thin layer chromatography.
Keywords:Anaerobic batch reactor   Azo dyes   Methanogens   Mixed cultures   Colour removal
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