Abstract: | The effects of nutrients, temperature and light on gametogenesis in Scenedesmus obliquus (Turp.) Kütz, were studied in culture. Concentrations of nitrogen in the medium employed showed a marked influence on gamete production. Gametogenesis is inhibited by N excess but is not a response to N starvation or depletion. A drop in N level from that of the growth medium is not required, nor does it per se trigger gametogenesis. The N concentration satisfying growth requirements insufficiently low to permit sexual differentiation. Nitrogen level in the growth medium has no effect on subsequent N to maintain a typical culture. Number of gametes present at maximum production time is inversely related to N concentration, but neither time of onset of gametogenesis, nor time of maximum gamete production is affected by N concentration. Cultures incubated at 15 C in medium lacking N take a minimum of 20—24 h to develop cells irreversibly committed to gamete formation. At the concentrations tested, no medium component other than the N-containing salt affected gametogenesis. Temperature influences both time of maximum production and numbers present at maximum production time. Time of maximum production is inversely related to incubation temperature; a 15 C incubation temperature yielded highest gamete production. Light enhances gametogenesis but gamete formation can occur in absence of light. Achievement of a light-saturated response is dependent upon illumination given at two critical periods: one occurs shortly after N withdrawal; the other occurs later, when cells are becoming irreversibly committed to gamete formation. Ability to produce gametes diminished with prolonged laboratory culture. |