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Flow-induced conformational changes and phase behavior of aqueous poly-L-lysine solutions
Authors:A. Immaneni  A. J. McHugh
Abstract:Poly-L -lysine exists as an α-helix at high pH and a random coil at neutral pH. When the α-helix is heated above 27°C, the macromolecule undergoes a conformational transition to a β-sheet. In this study, the stability of the secondary structure of poly-L -lysine in solutions subjected to shear flow, at temperatures below the α-helix to β-sheet transition temperature, were examined using Raman spectroscopy and CD. Solutions initially in the α-helical state showed time-dependent increases in viscosity with shearing, rising as much as an order of magnitude. Visual observation and turbidity measurements showed the formation of a gel-like phase under flow. Laser Raman measurements demonstrated the presence of small amounts of β-sheet structure evidenced by the amide I band at 1666 cm−1. CD measurements indicated that solutions of predominantly α-helical conformation at 20°C transformed into 85% α-helix and 15% β-sheet after being sheared for 20 min. However, on continued shearing the content of β-sheet conformation decreased. The observed phenomena were explained in terms of a “zipping-up” molecular model based on flow enhanced hydrophobic interactions similar to that observed in gel-forming flexible polymers. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 45: 239–246, 1998
Keywords:PLL, Raman  CD  conformation  flow-induced, gelation  aggregation, hydrophobic interactions
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