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Optical measurement of isolated canine lung filtration coefficients at normal hematocrits
Authors:Klaesner, Joseph W.   Pou, N. Adrienne   Parker, Richard E.   Finney, Charlene   Roselli, Robert J.
Abstract:Klaesner, Joseph W., N. Adrienne Pou, Richard E. Parker,Charlene Finney, and Robert J. Roselli. Optical measurement ofisolated canine lung filtration coefficients at normal hematocrits. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(6):1976-1985, 1997.---In this study, lung filtration coefficient(Kfc) valueswere measured in eight isolated canine lung preparations at normalhematocrit values using three methods: gravimetric, blood-correctedgravimetric, and optical. The lungs were kept in zone 3 conditions andsubjected to an average venous pressure increase of 10.24 ± 0.27 (SE) cmH2O. The resulting Kfc(ml · min-1 · cmH2O-1 · 100 g dry lung wt-1) measuredwith the gravimetric technique was 0.420 ± 0.017, which wasstatistically different from theKfc measured bythe blood-corrected gravimetric method (0.273 ± 0.018) or theproduct of the reflection coefficient(sigma f) andKfc measuredoptically (0.272 ± 0.018). The optical method involved the use of aCellco filter cartridge to separate red blood cells from plasma, whichallowed measurement of the concentration of the tracer in plasma atnormal hematocrits (34 ± 1.5). The permeability-surface areaproduct was measured using radioactive multiple indicator-dilutionmethods before, during, and after venous pressure elevations. Resultsshowed that the surface area of the lung did not change significantlyduring the measurement ofKfc. Thesestudies suggest thatsigma fKfccan be measured optically at normal hematocrits, that this measurement is not influenced by blood volume changes that occur during the measurement, and that the opticalsigma fKfcagrees with theKfc obtained viathe blood-corrected gravimetric method.

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