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Interaction of thymidylate synthase with the 5'-thiophosphates, 5'-dithiophosphates, 5'-H-phosphonates and 5'-S-thiosulfates of 2'-deoxyuridine, thymidine and 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine.
Authors:B Go?os  J M Dzik  Z Kazimierczuk  J Cie?la  Z Zieliński  J Jankowska  A Kraszewski  J Stawiński  W Rode  D Shugar
Affiliation:Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa.
Abstract:New analogs of dUMP, dTMP and 5-fluoro-dUMP, including the corresponding 5'-thiophosphates (dUMPS, dTMPS and FdUMPS), 5'-dithiophosphates (dUMPS2, dTMPS2 and FdUMPS2), 5'-H-phosphonates (dUMP-H, dTMP-H and FdUMP-H) and 5'-S-thiosulfates (dUSSO3, dTSSO3 and FdUSSO3), have been synthesized and their interactions studied with highly purified mammalian thymidylate synthase. dUMPS and dUMPS2 proved to be good substrates, and dTMPS and dTMPS2 classic competitive inhibitors, only slightly weaker than dTMP. Their 5-fluoro congeners behaved as potent, slow-binding inhibitors. By contrast, the corresponding 5'-H-phosphonates and 5'-S-thiosulfates displayed weak activities, only FdUMP-H and FdUSSO3 exhibiting significant interactions with the enzyme, as weak competitive slow-binding inhibitors versus dUMR The pH-dependence of enzyme time-independent inhibition by FdUMP and FdUMPS was found to correlate with the difference in pKa values of the phosphate and thiophosphate groups, the profile of FdUMPS being shifted (approximately 1 pH unit) toward lower pH values, so that binding of dUMP and its analogs is limited by the phosphate secondary hydroxyl ionization. Hence, together with the effects of 5'-H-phosphonate and 5'-S-thiosulfate substituents, the much weaker interactions of the nucleotide analogs (3-5 orders of magnitude lower than for the parent 5'-phosphates) with the enzyme is further evidence that the enzyme's active center prefers the dianionic phosphate group for optimum binding.
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