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Temperature dependence of photosynthesis in cotton
Authors:Downton J  Slatyer R O
Affiliation:Department of Environmental Biology, Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Abstract:Cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L., var. Deltapine Smooth Leaf) were grown under controlled environmental conditions over a range of day/night temperatures from 20/15 to 40/35 C. Their photosynthetic characteristics were then measured over a comparable temperature range. Net photosynthesis tended stongly to be greatest, and intracellular resistance to CO2 transport to be lowest, when the measurement temperature corresponded to the daytime growth temperature, suggesting pronounced acclimation of the plants to the growth temperature. The preferred growth temperature was close to the 25/20 C regime, since net photosynthesis of these plants, regardless of measurement temperature, was higher and intracellular resistance lower, than in plants from any other regime.
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