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Proteoglycans contribute locally to swelling,but globally to compressive mechanics,in intact cervine medial meniscus
Affiliation:3. Université de Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 69134 Ecully Cedex, France
Abstract:Loss of charged proteoglycans in the knee meniscus, which aid in the support of compressive loads by entraining water, is an effect of degeneration and is often associated with osteoarthritis. In healthy menisci, proteoglycan content is highest in the inner white zone and decreases towards the peripheral red zone. We hypothesized that loss of proteoglycans would reduce both osmotic swelling and compressive stiffness, spatially localized to the avascular white zone of the meniscus. This hypothesis was tested by targeted enzymatic digestion of proteoglycans using hyaluronidase in intact cervine medial menisci. Mechanics were quantified by creep indentation on the femoral surface. Osmotic swelling changes were assessed by measuring collagen fiber crimp period in the radial-axial plane in the lamellar layer along both the tibial and femoral contacting surfaces. All measurements were made in the inner, middle, and outer zones of the anterior, central, and posterior regions. Mechanical measurements showed variation in creep behavior with anatomical location, along with spatially uniform decreases in viscosity (average of 21%) and creep stiffness (average of 15%) with hyaluronidase treatment. Lamellar collagen crimp period was significantly decreased (average of 27%) by hyaluronidase, indicating a decrease in osmotic swelling, with the largest decreases seen in locations with the highest proteoglycan content. Taken together, these results suggest that while proteoglycans have localized effects on meniscus swelling, the resulting effect on compressive properties is distributed throughout the tissue.
Keywords:Hyaluronidase  Indentation  Collagen crimp
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