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A comparison of methods to determine center of mass during pregnancy
Affiliation:1. Washington State University, 101 Physical Education Building, Pullman, WA 99164-1410, United States;2. University of Idaho, 875 Perimeter Drive MS 2401, Moscow, ID 83844-2401, United States;3. Moscow/Pullman OBGYN, 1205 SE Professional Mall Blvd #102, Pullman, WA 99163, United States
Abstract:Balance changes during pregnancy likely occur because of mass gains and mass distribution changes. However, to date there is no way of tracking balance through center of mass motion because no method is available to identify of the body center of mass throughout pregnancy. We compared methods for determining segment masses and torso center of mass location. The availability of a method for tracking these changes during pregnancy will make determining balance changes through center of mass motion an option for future pregnancy balance research. Thirty pregnant women from eight weeks gestation until birth were recruited for monthly anthropometric measurements, motion capture analysis of body segment locations, and force plate analysis of center of pressure during quiet standing and supine laying. From these measurements, we were able to compare regression, volume measurement, and weighted sum methods to calculate body center of mass throughout pregnancy. We found that mass changes around the trunk were most prevalent as expected, but mass changes throughout the body (especially the thighs) were also seen. Our findings also suggest that a series of anthropometric measurements first suggested by Pavol et al. (2002), in combination with quiet standing on a force plate, can be used to identify the needed components (segment masses and torso center of mass location in three dimensions) to calculate body center of mass changes during pregnancy. The results of this study will make tracking of center of mass motion a possibility for future pregnancy balance research.
Keywords:Pregnancy  Anthropometry  Center of mass  Mass distribution  Center of gravity
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