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14C] GABA and [14C]GABA-pantoyl metabolism in mice
Authors:V A Rozanov
It is shown that more than 90% of the labelled substance D-[1-14C] calcium homopantotenate is rapidly removed from the organism with urea; 6-8% are products of its transformation, among them GABA is identified. An insignificant transformation of D-[1-14C] calcium homopantotenate up to 14CO2 is observed. After the preparation administration only unchanged D-[1-14C] calcium homopantotenate was found in the tissues, except of the liver where, as in urea, there is a nonidentified product with small Rf. [1-14C] GABA is rapidly transformed to 14CO2 and only its insignificant part is removed with urea, chiefly as products of transformation.
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