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Studies on the Steroidal Saponins of Dioscorea tokoro Makino Collected from Zhejiang
Authors:Tang Shi-rong and Jiang Zhi-dong
Abstract:Six steroidal saponins were isolated from rhizome of Dioscorea tokoro Makino (collected from Zhejiang). By means of acetylation, acid hydrolysis, IR, MS, and 13C-NMR etc., five of them were identical with yononin (A) (yield 0.0069%), dioscin (C) (0.04%), gracillin (D) (0.03%), protodioscin (E) (0.5%), protogracillin (F) (0.2%), respectively. Because of low yield, saponin B was not identified.
Keywords:Dioscorea tokoro   Steroidal saponins   yononin  
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