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The Developmental Anatomy of the Seminal Root of Wheat
Authors:Chen Yue-qin and Li Zheng-li(Lee Cheng-lee)
Wheat embryo usually gives rise to five seminal roots in matured caryopsls, although, the sixth root might develop in some cases. The first one is known as the primary root. Primary root emerged early, and its primodium was distinctly originated from the proembryo and could be gradually identified as three layers of initials. Lateral seminal roots emerged later from the embryonic axis in pairs, and originated from the surrouding cells of the procambium. Differentiation of lateral roots was much more vigorous than that of the first seminal root (primary root), and, its mother cells of metaxylem vessel appeared soon, Lateral seminal roots usually had more metaxylem vessels. In short, only the first root is the primary root, the lateral seminal roots are adventitious in nature, since their structures are similar to those of other adventitious roots.
Keywords:Seminal root   Primary root   Lateral seminal root   Adventitious root  
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