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Sequence analysis of sub-genotype D hepatitis B surface antigens isolated from Jeddah,Saudi Arabia
Authors:Sahar EL Hadad  Saleha Alakilli  Samar Rabah  Jamal Sabir
Affiliation:Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Abstract:Little is known about the prevalence of HBV genotypes/sub-genotypes in Jeddah province, although the hepatitis B virus (HBV) was identified as the most predominant type of hepatitis in Saudi Arabia. To characterize HBV genotypes/sub-genotypes, serum samples from 15 patients with chronic HBV were collected and subjected to HBsAg gene amplification and sequence analysis. Phylogenetic analysis of the HBsAg gene sequences revealed that 11 (48%) isolates belonged to HBV/D while 4 (18%) were associated with HBV/C. Notably, a HBV/D sub-genotype phylogenetic tree identified that eight current isolates (72%) belonged to HBV/D1, whereas three isolates (28%) appeared to be more closely related to HBV/D5, although they formed a novel cluster supported by a branch with 99% bootstrap value. Isolates belonging to D1 were grouped in one branch and seemed to be more closely related to various strains isolated from different countries. For further determination of whether the three current isolates belonged to HBV/D5 or represented a novel sub-genotype, HBV/DA, whole HBV genome sequences would be required. In the present study, we verified that HBV/D1 is the most prevalent HBV sub-genotype in Jeddah, and identified novel variant mutations suggesting that an additional sub-genotype designated HBV/DA should be proposed. Overall, the results of the present HBsAg sequence analyses provide us with insights regarding the nucleotide differences between the present HBsAg/D isolates identified in the populace of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and those previously isolated worldwide. Additional studies with large numbers of subjects in other areas might lead to the discovery of the specific HBV strain genotypes or even additional new sub-genotypes that are circulating in Saudi Arabia.
Keywords:HBV  hepatitis B virus  HAV  hepatitis A virus  HCV  hepatitis C virus  HCC  hepatocellular carcinoma  P  HBV polymerase gene  C/pre C  HBV core/pre Core gene  X  HBV X gene  HBV surface antigen  IFN  interferon  PCR  polymerase chain reaction  DDBJ  DNA Data Bank of Japan  EMBL  European Molecular Biology Laboratory  Hepatitis B virus  HBV sub-genotypes  HBV/D  HBsAg  Viral isolates  Population studies
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