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Physical, chemical and microscopic characterization of a new starch from chayote (Sechium edule) tuber and its comparison with potato and maize starches
Authors:J. Jim  nez-Hern  ndez, J.A. Salazar-Montoya,E.G. Ramos-Ramí  rez

aDepartment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering. CINVESTAV-IPN, Av. IPN 2508, P. O. Box 14-740, C. P. 07360, México 14 D.F., Mexico

Abstract:In this work, the chayote tuber starch (CHS) was isolated and its chemical composition and its physical and microscopic characteristics were determined, and compared with potato (PS) and maize (MS) starches. The starch content in chayote tubers (728 g kg−1 dry weight) was similar to potato tubers (700 g kg−1 dry weight), with a high level of purity (>98%), while its phosphorous content was higher (0.15%) than PS (0.08%) and MS (0.01%). Starch granules were oval, irregular, truncated and rounded with sizes between 7 and 50 μm with smooth surfaces. CHS dispersions (1% and 4%, w/w) showed higher viscosity (75 and 1715 mPa s), than PS (350% and 50% lower) and MS (715% and 600% lower). The gelatinization temperature (65 to 74 °C) was similar in CHS and PS. The pasting properties (RVA) of the starches suggest that CHS showed better characteristics than the commercial potato and maize starches. Therefore, CHS could be used as a thickening agent and a substitute to PS in food dispersions where a high viscosity is needed.
Keywords:Sechium edule   Starch   Physical properties   Chemical and microscopic characteristics
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