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Synchrony of Seed Dispersal, Hydrology and Local Climate in a Semi-arid River Reach in California
Authors:John C. Stella  John J. Battles  Bruce K. Orr  Joe R. McBride
Affiliation:(1) Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California at Berkeley, 137 Mulford Hall, Berkeley, California 94720−3114, USA;(2) Stillwater Sciences, 2855 Telegraph Ave., Suite 400, Berkeley, California 94705, USA;(3) Present address: SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry one Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY, 13210
Abstract:The temporal availability of propagules is a critical factor in sustaining pioneer riparian tree populations along snowmelt-driven rivers because seedling establishment is strongly linked to seasonal hydrology. River regulation in semi-arid regions threatens to decouple seed development and dispersal from the discharge regime to which they evolved. Using the lower Tuolumne River as a model system, we quantified and modeled propagule availability for Populus fremontii (POFR), Salix gooddingii (SAGO), and Salix exigua (SAEX), the tree and shrub species that dominate near-channel riparian stands in the San Joaquin Basin, CA. A degree-day model was fit to field data of seasonal seed density and local temperature from three sites in 2002–2004 to predict the onset of the peak dispersal period. To evaluate historical synchrony of seed dispersal and seasonal river hydrology, we compared peak spring runoff timing to modeled peak seed release periods for the last 75 years. The peak seed release period began on May 15 for POFR (range April 23–June 10), May 30 for SAGO (range May 19–June 11) and May 31 for SAEX (range May 8–June 30). Degree-day models for the onset of seed release reduced prediction error by 40–67% over day-of-year means; the models predicted best the interannual, versus site-to-site, variation in timing. The historical analysis suggests that POFR seed release coincided with peak runoff in almost all years, whereas SAGO and SAEX dispersal occurred during the spring flood recession. The degree-day modeling approach reduce uncertainty in dispersal timing and shows potential for guiding flow releases on regulated rivers to increase riparian tree recruitment at the lowest water cost.
Keywords:phenology  seed dispersal  degree-day model  seed longevity  germination   Populus    Salix   seedling recruitment  riparian habitat restoration  flow regulation  California central-valley
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