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Finite element analysis of stress distribution in intact and porcelain veneer restored teeth
Authors:Matson M R  Lewgoy H R  Barros Filho D A  Amore R  Anido-Anido A  Alonso R C B  Carrilho M R O  Anauate-Netto C
Affiliation:School of Dentistry, Bandeirante University of S?o Paulo (UNIBAN), Rua Maria Candida, 1813, Bloco G, 6° andar, 02071-013, S?o Paulo, SP, Brazil.
The aim of this study was to investigate the stress distribution generated in a veneer restoration of an upper central incisor compared to intact teeth using the finite element analysis after applying a lingual buccal loading at the incisal edge. Methods: Two models were developed: one model contained enamel, dentine, cementum, periodontal ligament, cortical and trabecullar bones, and the other model was a veneer restoration; both models were developed using MSC/Nastran software (MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation, Los Angeles, CA, USA) as the pre- and post-processor. A 10-N load was applied at the incisal edge from the lingual to the buccal side to simulate oral conditions in this area (protrusion). Results: Von Mises stresses were then analysed for three different regions: A-B (enamel elements under the veneer or second enamel layer), A'-B' (buccal enamel and/or veneer element layer) and C-D (lingual enamel elements layer). A higher stress mode was observed for both models at the lingual cervical region. Conclusions: The presence of a veneer restoration on the incisors is a good alternative to mimic the behaviour of enamel under protrusion loading conditions. The use of veneers to replace enamel during rehabilitations is recommended.
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