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The synaptonemal complex is assembled by a polySUMOylation-driven feedback mechanism in yeast
Authors:Wing-Kit Leung  Neil Humphryes  Negar Afshar  Bilge Argunhan  Yaroslav Terentyev  Tomomi Tsubouchi  Hideo Tsubouchi
Affiliation:1.Genome Damage and Stability Centre, Life Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton BN19RQ, England, UK;2.National Institute for Basic Biology, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Myodaiji, Okazaki, Aichi 444-8585, Japan
Abstract:During meiotic prophase I, proteinaceous structures called synaptonemal complexes (SCs) connect homologous chromosomes along their lengths via polymeric arrays of transverse filaments (TFs). Thus, control of TF polymerization is central to SC formation. Using budding yeast, we show that efficiency of TF polymerization closely correlates with the extent of SUMO conjugation to Ecm11, a component of SCs. HyperSUMOylation of Ecm11 leads to highly aggregative TFs, causing frequent assembly of extrachromosomal structures. In contrast, hypoSUMOylation leads to discontinuous, fragmented SCs, indicative of defective TF polymerization. We further show that the N terminus of the yeast TF, Zip1, serves as an activator for Ecm11 SUMOylation. Coexpression of the Zip1 N terminus and Gmc2, a binding partner of Ecm11, is sufficient to induce robust polySUMOylation of Ecm11 in nonmeiotic cells. Because TF assembly is mediated through N-terminal head-to-head associations, our results suggest that mutual activation between TF assembly and Ecm11 polySUMOylation acts as a positive feedback loop that underpins SC assembly.
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