量子点细胞毒性及其作用机制 |
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引用本文: | 罗雪 杨丹丹 王艳 王润芳 任小苗 马迪 张紫薇. 量子点细胞毒性及其作用机制[J]. 现代生物医学进展, 2016, 16(3): 580-582 |
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作者姓名: | 罗雪 杨丹丹 王艳 王润芳 任小苗 马迪 张紫薇 |
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作者单位: | 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一临床医院妇产科 |
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基金项目: | 黑龙江省青年科学基金项目(QC08C79) |
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摘 要: | 纳米粒子(NPS)在工业和研究中的使用急剧增加,因而这种材料面临一个其潜在毒性的问题。不幸的是,对纳米颗粒与纳米/生物界面可能发生的相互作用没有足够的了解。广大科技工作者正在积极寻求日益关注的纳米技术对人类的影响答案。我们将从NPS在生物媒体中的浓度,尺寸大小,电荷,和配位体的稳定性方面来了解纳米粒子的性质和他们在生物环境中对细胞毒所起的作用;并初步探讨已知的机制,量子点可以破坏细胞,包括氧化应激引起的活性氧(ROS)。微小浓度量子点足以造成长期持久的,甚至是跨代的影响。本文讨论了从纳摩尔到皮摩尔浓度的诱导细胞损伤的量子点(QDS)的浓度,这意味着含镉量子点可以发挥表观遗传毒性,纳米基因毒性,重金属基因的毒性。在此为评估包括量子点的在内的纳米毒性的的纳米材料,我们采用量子点作为一个例证,来阐述以科学为基础的发展到纳米毒理学的相关的问题。
关 键 词: | 量子点;细胞毒性;氧化应激(ROS) |
QuantumDot Cytotoxicity and the Underlying Mechanisms |
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Abstract: | With the dramatic increase in the use of nanoparticles (NP) in industry and research, question about the potentialtoxicity of such materials has been raised. Unfortunately, how the novel, technologically-attractive properties of NPs correlate with theinteractions that may take place at the nano/bio interface is not known enough. The academic, industrial, and regulatory communities areactively seeking answers to the growing concerns on the impact of nanotechnology on humans. Specifically the concentration, size,charge, and ligand stability of NPs in biological media must be known and of their biological environment contribute to cytotoxicity. Inthis Account, we initially review the known mechanisms by which QDs can damage cells, including oxidative stress elicited by reactiveoxygen species (ROS). Minute concentrations of QDs could be sufficient to cause long lasting, even trans-generational effects. Wediscuss lesser-known impairments induced in cells by nanomolar to picomolar concentrations of QDs, which imply that cadmiumcontainingQDs can exert genotoxic, epigenetic, and metalloestrogenic effects. A combination of toxicological, genetic, epigenetic andimaging approaches is required to create comprehensive guidelines for evaluating the nanotoxicity of nanomaterials, including QDs. Inthis Account we adopt quantum dots (QDs) as an illustrative example of the difficulties associated with the development of a rationalscience-based approach to nanotoxicology. |
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Keywords: | Quantumdots Cytotoxicity ROS |
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