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Mapping of Genes for Cooking and Eating Qualities in Thai Jasmine Rice (KDML105)
Authors:Lanceras, Jonaliza C.   Huang, Zue-Liu   Naivikul, Onanong   Vanavichit, Apichart   Ruanjaichon, Vinitchan   Tragoonrung, Somvong
Affiliation:1DNA Fingerprinting Unit, Agricultural Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center, Research and Development Institute, Kasetsart University Nakorn Pathom 73140 Thailand
2Laboratory of Quantitative Genetics, Agricultural College, Yangzhou University Yangzhou City, Jiangsu, 225009 China
3Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University Bangkok 10900
4Thailand National Center for Genetic Engineering Unit Nakorn Pathom 73140 Thailand
Abstract:Thai jasmine rice, KDML 105, is known as the best quality rice.It is known not only for its aroma but also for its good cookingand eating qualities. Amylose content (AC), gel consistency(GC) and gelatinization temperature (GT) are important traitsdetermining rice quality. A population of recombinant inbredlines (RIL) derived from KDML105 x CT9993 cross was used tostudy the genetic control of AC, GC and GT traits. A total of191 markers were used in the linkage map construction. The 1605.3cM linkage map covering nearly the whole rice genome was usedfor QTL (define QTL) analysis. Four QTLs for AC were detectedon chromosomes 3, 4, 6 and 7. These QTLs accounted for 80% ofphenotypic variation explained (PVE) in AC. The presence ofone major gene as well as several modifiers was responsiblefor the expression of the trait. Two QTLs on chromosome 6 andone on chromosome 7 were detected for GC, which accounts for57% of PVE. A single gene of major effect along with modifiergenes controls GC from this cross. The QTLs in the vicinityof waxy locus were major contributors in the expression of ACand GC. The finding that the position of QTLs for AC and GCwere near each other may reflect tight linkage or pleiotropy.Three QTLs were detected, one on chromosome 2 and two on chromosome6, which accounted for 67% of PVE in GT. Just like AC and GC,one major gene and modifier genes governed the variation inGT resulting from the KDML105 x CT9993 cross. Breeding for cookingand eating qualities will largely rely on the preferences ofthe end users.
Keywords:Amylose Content (AC)   Gel Consistency (GC)   Gelatinization Temperature (GT)   Gene Mapping   Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL)
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