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A new approach to high sensitivity differential hybridization
Authors:Werner Boll   Jun-ichi Fujisawa   Jarmo Niemi  Charles Weissmann

Institut für Molekularbiologie I, Universität Zürich, 8093, Zürich, Switzerland Tel. (411)3772490

We describe a new approach to differential hybridization, designed to identify cDNA clones representing rare mRNA species. Duplicate filters carrying a library of cDNA from phorbolmyristate acetate (PMA)-induced EL-4 cells in λgt11 were hybridized with high concentrations of unlabeled, cloned, single-stranded cDNA from induced and control EL-4 cells, respectively. Plaques binding single-stranded cDNA were revealed by a second round of hybridization with 35S-labeled DNA complementary to the vector moiety of the single-stranded cDNA. Plaques corresponding to PMA-induced mRNAs occurring at a level of about 1 part in 15000 were isolated. We believe the method is at least ten times more sensitive than conventional differential hybridization.
Keywords:Phorbolmyristate acetate (PMA) induction   EL-4 cells   lymphokines   mRNA content   cloning vector   plus-minus hybridization   recombinant DNA   phages λ and Qβ
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