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引用本文:朱其慧 潘惠新 等. 栲树天然群体遗传结构的RAPD分析[J]. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2002, 44(11): 1321-1326
作者姓名:朱其慧 潘惠新 等
作者单位:南京林业大学林木遗传和基因工程重点实验室 南京210037(朱其慧,潘惠新,诸葛强,尹佟明,邹惠渝),南京林业大学林木遗传和基因工程重点实验室 南京210037(黄敏仁)
摘    要:利用RAPD分子标记对 5个栲树 (CastanopsisfargesiiFranch .)天然群体共计 188个个体的遗传多样性和群体遗传结构进行了分析。 4 1个随机寡核苷酸引物共检测到 385个位点 ,其中多态位点 15 7个 ,占 4 0 .78%。物种水平的Shannon多样性指数I=0 .4 5 97,Nei基因多样度h =0 .2 96。遗传变异分析表明 ,栲树群体的遗传变异主要存在于群体内 ,利用Shannon多样性指数估算的分化 (Hsp_Hpop) /Hsp=0 .0 4 76 ,遗传分化系数Gst =0 .0 4 2 9,分子方差分析 (AMOVA)也证实了这一结论 ,群体内的变异组分占了 94 .97% ,群体间变异只占 5 .0 3%。AMOVA分析结果的显著性检验也表明 ,群体间及群体内个体间均呈现出显著分化 (P <0 .0 0 1)。

关 键 词:栲树  天然群体  RAPD  遗传结构

Analysis of Genetic Structure of Natural Populations of Castanopsis fargesii by RAPDs
Abstract:Genetic diversity and population genetic structure in 188 individuals from five natural populations of Castanopsis fargesii Franch. were studied by RAPD markers. Three hundred and eighty_five loci were identified with 41 oligonucleotide primers, out of which 157 loci were polymorphic and accounted for 40.78% of total genetic diversity at species level. Shannon's indices of diversity ( I ) and Nei's gene diversity ( h ) were 0.459 7 and 0.296 at the species level, respectively. The result showed that genetic variation of C. fargesii populations mainly existed within populations. Genetic differentiation ( Hsp_Hpop)/Hsp estimated with Shannon's index of diversity and coefficient of gene differentiation ( Gst ) were 0.047 6 and 0.042 9 respectively, which were confirmed by the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). Therefore, it is apparent that within_population variation accounted for 94.97% and among_populations variation accounted for only 5.03% of the total genetic diversity. AMOVA also indicated that there was significant differentiation among populations as well as among individuals within a population.
Keywords:Castanopsis fargesii  natural populations  RAPD  genetic structure
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