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An immunoblotting as a method for the diagnosis of typhoid fever
Authors:Dera-Tomaszewska Bozena  Głośnicka Renata
Affiliation:Akademia Medyczna w Gdańsku, Katedra Mikrobiologii.
Abstract:The patients' sera had been referred to the National Salmonella Centre for routine Widal serology. Sera were predominately from patients suspected of having been infected with Salmonella Typhi, but also included one serum from patient with typhoid fever who was culture positive for Salmonella Typhi. The immunoblotting procedure using Salmonella Typhi somatic (O=9,12 LPS) and flagellar (H=d) antigens was used for preliminary testing of selected patients sera previously evaluated by Widal agglutination assay as containing different levels of antibodies against O and/or H antigens of Salmonella Typhi. Following Chart et al., immunoblotting reactions were graded between 0 and 3, with 0 indicating an absence of antibody binding, and 3 where antibody binding was readily observed. Sera giving reaction of 2 or 3 were considered to be antibody positive for this study. Positive immunoblotting reaction to O=9,12 LPS antigen was obtained only with the serum of patient with typhoid fever. Presence of specific anti-LPS antibodies was also observed in two other patients' sera diluted 1:50, and in case of one of them also in dilution 1:200, but intensity of antigen-antibody reaction was under positive result criterion. The most other sera positive to O=9,12 antigen in law dilutions (1:50, 1:100) by Widal assay, showed the traces of non-specific reaction by immunoblotting. Presence of positive antigen-antibody reaction was indicated for five sera in dilution 1:50 when tested with the >55 kDa H=d flagellar protein subunit, including the serum of patient with typhoid fever. Only in this serum the high level of specific antibodies was detected also in dilution 1:200, what was not observed in case of the other four, which appeared negative. All the other sera were shown not to contain antibodies to flagella antigen. Although the presented results are preliminary and additional study of more sera of people infected with Salmonella Typhi is needed, it can be concluded after Chart et al., that an immunoblotting procedure incorporating O=9,12 LPS and flagellar H=d antigens is a useful method for providing serological evidence of infection with Salmonella Typhi. In our opinion it can serve as a rapid test for the diagnosis of typhoid fever.
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