Abstract: | Two chromosome races of common shrew, Moscow and Seliger, differ in the arm combination in 11 diagnostic chromosomes (Robertsonian metacentrics/acrocentrics). Homozygotes of both pure races, simple Robertsonian heterozygotes of Seliger race, and complex heterozygotes (FI hybrids) were detected in the found earlier between hybrid zone of these races, in the spring before the breeding seasonbreeding season. The g/oheterozygote was first discovered in race Seliger, whose chromosome formula typically contains acrocentrics g and o. The m/q heterozygote was recorded for the second time. Meiosis was studied in 16 males representing five detected karyotypic categories. No abnormal in pairing of homologs in either sex trivalent common for the species (XY1Y2) or autosome trivalents (g/o and m/q) was detected at diakinesis--metaphase I. Two hybrids displayed a theoretically expected and unimpaired meiotic configuration in a form of a very long chain comprising 11 monobrachial homologs (g/gm/mq/qp/pr/rk/ki/ih/hn/no/o). The results are discussed in terms of hypotheses on fertility of complex heterozygotes and limited gene flow in hybrid zone. |