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引用本文:Zhu W,Zhan JS. 植物病原物的群体遗传学[J]. 遗传, 2012, 34(2): 157-166
作者姓名:Zhu W  Zhan JS
摘    要:品种单一化、生产密集型和一年多茬的现代农业特点导致病原物呈现出进化速度加快、致病力增强及流行风险增大趋势。深入研究病原物群体遗传学对认识病害的流行、有效选育和使用抗性品种乃至控制病害具有重要意义。文章阐述了植物病原物群体遗传学的研究目标和内容、突变、基因迁移、基因重组、随机遗传漂变和自然选择5大遗传机制在植物病原物进化过程中的作用,以及目前植物病原物群体遗传学研究的现状。

关 键 词:植物病原物  群体遗传  进化机制

Population genetics of plant pathogens
Zhu Wen,Zhan Jia-Sui. Population genetics of plant pathogens[J]. Hereditas, 2012, 34(2): 157-166
Authors:Zhu Wen  Zhan Jia-Sui
Affiliation:Institute of Plant Virology, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, China. zhuwxie@yahoo.com.cn
Abstract:Comparing to natural ecosystems, the evolution of plant pathogens in agricultural ecosystems is generally faster due to high-density monocultures, large-scale application of agrochemicals, and international trade in agricultural products. Knowledge of the population genetics and evolutionary biology of plant pathogens is necessary to understand disease epidemiology, effectively breed and use resistant cultivars, and control plant diseases. In this article, we outlined the aims of population genetic studies in plant pathogens, discuss contributions of five evolutionary forces (i.e., mutation, gene flow, recombination, random genetic drift, and natural selection) to origin, maintenance, and distribution of genetic variation in time and space, and gave an overview of current research status in this field.
Keywords:plant pathogens  population genetic structure  evolutionary forces
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