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An Auxin-Regulated Gene of Arabidopsis thaliana Encodes a DNA-Binding Protein
Authors:Alliotte T  Tiré C  Engler G  Peleman J  Caplan A  Van Montagu M  Inzé D
Affiliation:Laboratorium voor Genetica, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, B-9000 Gent, Belgium.
Abstract:We have isolated a single-copy gene from the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, called dbp, which encodes a lysine-rich, DNA-binding protein. The Dbp protein has a molecular weight and a composition resembling histone H1. When the dbp gene was expressed in bacteria, the protein product bound DNA nonspecifically. The dbp gene is expressed constitutively in all parts of the plant but is induced five times above this basal level in apical zones. In vitro hormone-depletion experiments showed that the expression in the shoot apex could be induced by exogenous auxin. In situ hybridizations in the root apex indicated that the expression of dbp is enhanced in the region of cell division.
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