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Distribution of chylomicron degradation products in the isolated,perfused rat heart
Authors:H. Stam  H. Jansen  W.C. Hülsmann
Affiliation:Department of Biochemistry I, Medical Faculty, Erasmus University Rotterdam P.O.Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract:Chylomicron degradation by hearts from fed and fasted rats was studied using a perfusion technique, which allows the separate collection of coronary (Qrv) and interstitial effluent (Qi). Upon perfusion with [3H]-cholesterol-containing chylomicrons the tissue recovery of label was highest in the fasted state, while label recovered in Qi was highest in the fed state. Density gradient centrifugation of Qi indicated that the label was recovered in lipoproteins with higher densities: low density lipoproteins (1.0191.21. These particles probably represent chylomicron degradation products (remnants and “surface fragments”). Our results indicate that tissue cholesterol uptake during chylomicron degradation may be inhibited in the fed state. Furthermore, the role of the myocyte (or interstitial) lipoprotein lipase in chylomicron degradation is discussed.
Keywords:BSA  bovine serum albumin  CE  cholesterol ester  FC  free cholesterol  HDL  high density lipoprotein  IDL  intermediate density lipoprotein  LDL  low density lipoprotein  LPL  lipoprotein lipase  LSC  liquid scintillation counting  PB  perfusion buffer  interstitial effluent  coronary effluent  TG  triglyceride(s)  VLDL  very low density lipoprotein
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