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The scaling and selection of sexually dimorphic characters: an example using the Marbled Teal
Authors:Andy J. Green
Abstract:Current theory and empirical evidence suggests that, if a character is sexually dimorphic as a result of sexual selection, it should be positively allometric (i.e. relatively larger in larger individuals), whereas if the dimorphism is the result of natural selection (e.g. niche divergence), it should be isometric. I show how this can be used to study the selective forces responsible for dimorphic morphological characters, using the monochromatic Marbled Teal Marmaronetta angustirostris as an example. In absolute terms, first-year male teals have a higher body mass, wing length, head length and bill length than females. In relative terms (controlling for body size), males still have longer wings, heads and bills. The scaling in Marbled Teal suggests that bill and head dimorphisms are due to sexual selection, whereas wing dimorphism is due to natural selection. Tail length is sexually monomorphic but positively allometric, possibly because of a display function. Such scaling studies are easy to carry out, and provide a useful complement to direct investigation of the influence of variation in the size of dimorphic characters on mating success, foraging efficiency etc.
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