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Adrenaline-mediated glycogen phosphorylase activation is enhanced in rat soleus muscle with increased glycogen content
Authors:Jensen J  Aslesen R  Jebens E  Skrondal A
Affiliation:Department of Physiology, National Institute of Occupational Health, Oslo, Norway. jorgen.jensen@stami.no
The effect of glycogen content on the activation of glycogen phosphorylase during adrenaline stimulation was investigated in soleus muscles from Wistar rats. Furthermore, adrenergic activation of glycogen phosphorylase in the slow-twitch oxidative soleus muscle was compared to the fast-twitch glycolytic epitrochlearis muscle. The glycogen content was 96.4 +/- 4.4 mmol (kg dw)(-1) in soleus muscles. Three hours of incubation with 10 mU/ml of insulin (and 5.5 mM glucose) increased the glycogen content to 182.2+/-5.9 mmol (kg dw)(-1) which is similar to that of epitrochlearis muscles (175.7+/-6.9 mmol (kg dw)(-1)). Total phosphorylase activity in soleus was independent of glycogen content. Adrenaline (10(-6) M) transformed about 20% and 35% (P < 0.01) of glycogen phosphorylase to the a form in soleus with normal and high glycogen content, respectively. In epitrochlearis, adrenaline stimulation transformed about 80% of glycogen phosphorylase to the a form. Glycogen synthase activation was reduced to low level in soleus muscles with both normal and high glycogen content. In conclusion, adrenaline-mediated glycogen phosphorylase activation is enhanced in rat soleus muscles with increased glycogen content. Glycogen phosphorylase activation during adrenaline stimulation was much higher in epitrochlearis than in soleus muscles with a similar content of glycogen.
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