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Male reed buntings do not adjust parental effort in relation to extrapair paternity
Authors:Bouwman, Karen M.   Lessells, C. M.   Komdeur, Jan
Affiliation:a Animal Ecology Group, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 14, 9750 AA Haren, the Netherlands and b Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), P.O. Box 40, 6666 ZG Heteren, the Netherlands
Abstract:Parental effort is considered to be costly; therefore, malesare expected to provide less care to unrelated offspring. Theoreticalmodels suggest that males should either reduce their care tothe entire brood or alternatively distinguish between relatedand unrelated nestlings and direct provisioning to kin whenpaternity is in doubt. Reed buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus)have been found to have high levels of extrapair paternity (EPP,i.e., offspring of a male other than the male attending thenest; 55% of offspring), and males are therefore under strongselection pressure to adjust their parental effort accordingto the proportion of EPP in their brood. In this study, we investigatedwhether male reed buntings exhibit a reduction in paternal care(incubation and provisioning nestlings) in relation to decreasedpaternity. We also assess whether males bias their provisioningtoward kin. We measured incubation time, provisioning rates,and food allocation to individual nestlings using video recordingsat the nests. Microsatellite DNA analysis was used to analyzethe paternity of offspring. In direct contrast to a previousstudy on the same species, our results provided no indicationthat males lowered their effort with decreased paternity. Furthermore,in nests of mixed paternity, males did not bias their provisioningbehavior to kin. It remains to be investigated whether the absenceof a relationship between paternity and paternal care can beascribed to absence of reliable paternity cues or whether thebenefits of reducing paternal care did not outweigh the costsin our study population. We found no evidence that the levelof paternal care affected male survival or offspring mass, suggestingthat both the benefits and costs of any reduction in paternalcare would have been low.
Keywords:Emberiza schoeniclus   extrapair paternity   kin recognition   parental care.
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