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Expression of human T-cell leukemia virus type I protease in Escherichia coli.
Authors:T Hayakawa  Y Misumi  M Kobayashi  Y Ohi  Y Fujisawa  A Kakinuma  M Hatanaka
Affiliation:Biotechnology Research Laboratories, Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd., Osaka, Japan.
Human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) genome is believed to encode its own protease, although the protease has not yet been detected. To identify the HTLV-I protease, an in-frame gag (3' portion)-prt region was expressed in Escherichia coli. The 14-kDa product was detected using antisera against a synthetic peptide mimicking the fragment of HTLV-I protease, although the molecular weight of the primary translational product was 27,000. A cell extract had a proteolytic activity to cleave a synthetic peptide substrate containing the cleavage site of gag p19/p24 at the correct site in vitro. Replacement of the putative active site Asp-64 with Gly abolished both in vivo processing activity and in vitro proteolytic activity. These results suggest that the 14-kDa product is the mature enzymatically active HTLV-I protease generated through posttranslational autoprocessing in E. coli.
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