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引用本文:魏凤菊,张迎迎,侯春燕,韩胜芳,王冬梅. 蒜鳞片薄壁细胞衰退过程中酶的细胞化学定位及DNA生化分析[J]. 分子细胞生物学报, 2005, 38(5): 387-396
作者姓名:魏凤菊  张迎迎  侯春燕  韩胜芳  王冬梅
作者单位:河北农业大学生命科学学院,中国科学院植物生理生态研究所,河北农业大学生命科学学院,河北农业大学生命科学学院,河北农业大学生命科学学院 保定 071001,上海 200032,保定 071001,保定 071001,保定 071001
摘    要:蒜在储藏过程中,鳞茎薄壁细胞衰退,其营养物质供给幼芽萌发生长。采用细胞化学方法,对蒜休眠进程中的鳞茎薄壁细胞进行了ATPase以及APase的细胞化学定位,结果显示在薄壁细胞的质膜、细胞壁和胞间连丝上的酶活性随着蒜自休眠至萌发的不同发育进程而呈现增强的趋势,且在萌芽期酶活性表现最为强烈,表明细胞内物质的降解、转化与输出的加强有助于细胞内含物向新生芽的彻底转移。配合采用琼脂糖凝胶电泳对衰退薄壁细胞的DNA进行了分析,实验结果表现出典型的DNA Ladder,为蒜鳞茎薄壁细胞的衰退属于受基因控制的程序性死亡范畴补充了生化证据。

关 键 词:  细胞程序性死亡  酸性磷酸酶  三磷酸腺苷酶  DNA Ladder

WEI Feng Ju,ZHANG Ying Ying,HOU Chun Yan,HAN Sheng Fang,WANG Dong Mei College of Life Sciences,Hebei Agriculture University,Baoding Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology,Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences,Chinese Academy of Science,Shanghai. ULTRACYTOCHEMICAL LOCALIZATION OF ENZYMES AND DNA ANALYSIS DURING THE DEVELOPMENT OF GARLIC[J]. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 2005, 38(5): 387-396
Authors:WEI Feng Ju  ZHANG Ying Ying  HOU Chun Yan  HAN Sheng Fang  WANG Dong Mei College of Life Sciences  Hebei Agriculture University  Baoding Institute of Plant Physiology  Ecology  Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences  Chinese Academy of Science  Shanghai
Affiliation:WEI Feng Ju,ZHANG Ying Ying,HOU Chun Yan,HAN Sheng Fang,WANG Dong Mei College of Life Sciences,Hebei Agriculture University,Baoding 071001 Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology,Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences,Chinese Academy of Science,Shanghai 200032
Abstract:It is believed that during storage, the parenchyma cells of garlic (Allium sativum L.) bulb would wither and fade gradually, and nutrients released inside the cells become available for the germination and growth of the young bud. In this study, The distributions of acid phosphatase (APase) and Adenosine Triphosphatase(ATPase) during germination were analyzed based on the method of lead precipitation at the electron microscopic level. It was found that their activities presenting in plasma membrane, cell wall and plasmodesma increased along the different developmental periods during stor- age. The fact that the most intensive enzymatic activity of APase and ATPase appeared at germination indicates that degradation, transformation and exportation of cell matrix are helpful in complete translo- cation of nutrient to new bud. The DNA in the degrading parenchyma cells was analyzed using the agarose electrophoresis. Results clearly showed a typical DNA ladder on the gel, indicating that gene- controlled, programmed cell death may contribute to the degradation of garlic parenchyma cells.
Keywords:Garlic  Programmed cell death  Acid phosphatsase(APase)  Adenosine Triphos  phatase(ATPase)  DNA Ladder
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