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Intradermal Challenge of Icelandic Horses in Norway and Iceland with Extracts of Culicoides spp.
Authors:Larsen  Hans Jorgen  Bakke   Svein Halvard  Mehl   Reidar
Affiliation:16.Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine, P.O. Box 8146, N-0033, Oslo 1, Norway
;26.Laboratory of Entomology, National Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway
Abstract:A skin test survey was carried out in Icelandic horses in Norway and Iceland using extracts of Culicoides spp. as antigen. Eleven horses with recurrent seasonal dermatitis reacted with an immediate hypersensitivity response to intradermal challenge with antigen. All except one of thirty-three clinically normal horses in Norway showed a negative response in skin tests. These findings indicate that Culicoides spp. may be the major cause of the disease in Norway. Only one of the 110 horses tested in Iceland showed any skin test reaction (weak), demonstrating that the horses were not sensitized to Culicoides allergen. The disease has never been reported in Iceland.
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