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Comprehensive peptidome analysis of mouse livers by size exclusion chromatography prefractionation and nanoLC-MS/MS identification
Authors:Hu Lianghai  Li Xin  Jiang Xinning  Zhou Houjiang  Jiang Xiaogang  Kong Liang  Ye Mingliang  Zou Hanfa
Affiliation:National Chromatographic R&A Center, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 457 Zhongshan Road, Dalian 116023, China.
Abstract:Peptidome analysis has received increasing attention in recent years. Cancer diagnosis by serum peptidome has also been reported by peptides' profiling for discovery of peptide biomarkers. Tissue, which may have a higher biomarker concentration than blood, has not been investigated extensively by means of peptidome analysis. Here, a method for the peptidome analysis of mouse liver was developed by the combination of size exclusion chromatography (SEC) prefractionation with nano-liquid chromatography-tamdem mass spectrometry (nanoLC-MS/MS) analysis. The extracted peptides from mouse liver were separated according to their molecular weight using a size exclusion column. MALDI-TOF MS was used to characterize the molecular weight distribution of the peptides in fractions eluted from the SEC column. The low molecular weight (LMW) (MW < 3000 Da) peptides in the collected fractions were directly analyzed by LC-MS/MS which resulted in the identification of 1181 unique peptides (from 371 proteins). The high molecular weight (HMW) (MW > 3000 Da) peptides in the early two fractions from the SEC column were first digested with trypsin, and the resulted digests were then analyzed by LC-MS/MS, which led to the identification of 123 and 127 progenitor proteins of the HMW peptides in fractions 1 and 2, respectively. Analysis of the peptides' cleavage sites showed that the peptides are cleaved in regulation, which may reflect the protease activity and distribution in body, and also represent the biological state of the tissue and provide a fresh source for biomarker discovery.
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