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Characterization of S tester lines in Brassica oleracea: polymorphism of restriction fragment length of SLG homologues and isoelectric points of S-locus glycoproteins
Authors:K. Okazaki  M. Kusaba  D. J. Ockendon  T. Nishio
Affiliation:(1) Institute of Radiation Breeding, NIAR, MAFF, Ohmiya P.O. Box 3, Naka-gun, Ibaraki, 319-15, Japan, JP;(2) Horticultural Research International, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK, GB
Abstract: Forty three S tester lines of Brassica oleracea were characterized using DNA and protein gel-blotting analyses. DNA gel-blot analysis of HindIII-digested genomic DNA with class-I and class-II SLG probes revealed that 40 lines could be classified as class-I S haplotypes while three lines could be classified as class-II S haplotypes. The band patterns in the S tester lines were highly polymorphic. Although the S tester lines typically showed two bands corresponding to SLG and SRK in the analysis with the class-I SLG probe, only one band was observed in the S 24 homozygote. This band was identified as SRK, suggesting that this haplotype has no class-I SLG band. In the analysis using the class-II SLG probe, one plant yielded a different band pattern from the known class-II haplotypes, S 2 , S 5 and S 15 . Unexpectedly, this plant was reciprocally cross-incompatible with the S 2 haplotype. Therefore, it was designated as S 2-b . We found an S 13 haplotype having a restriction fragment length polymorphism different from that of the S 13 homozygotes of the S tester line. These findings indicate that S homozygous lines with the same S specificity do not necessarily show the same band pattern in the DNA gel-blot analysis. Soluble stigma proteins of 32 S homozygotes were separated by isoelectric focusing and detected using anti-S 22 SLG antiserum. S haplotype-specific bands were detected in 27 S homozygotes but not in five S homozygotes, including the S 24 homozygote. This is consistent with the observation that the S 24 haplotype had no SLG band. Received: 13 July 1998 / Accepted: 29 September 1998
Keywords:  Brassica oleracea  S haplotype  Self-incompatibility  RFLP  IEF
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