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Short- and long-term potentiation in afferent pathways of the neonatal rabbit hippocampus
Authors:N. A. Kryuchkova
Abstract:Vocal potentials were recorded in hippocampal area CA1 and dentate fascia in unanesthetized rabbits aged from 1 to 50 days during stimulation of Schaffer's collaterals and the perforant path, respectively, with paired (interval 15–100 msec) and repetitive (20–40 Hz for 3–5 sec) electric pulses. Short-term potentiation of focal potentials during paired stimulation and post-tetanic potentiation lasting from a few minutes to 3 h were shown to be reproduced in the hippocampus from the first days after birth, whereas in the dentate fascia, which matures later, reproduction began on the 8th–10th day, when neurons first began to respond to stimulation of the corresponding afferent pathways.
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