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Distribution and behaviour of Acetes sibogae Hansen (Decapoda, Crustacea) in an estuary in relation to tidal and diel environmental changes
Authors:Xiao, Y.   Greenwood, J.G.
Affiliation:Department of Zoology, University of Queensland St Lucia, Qld 4072, Australia
Quantitative samples of Acetes sibogae were collected at 2 hintervals for 48 h at three sites across the axis of a tidalestuary to examine their distribution within the water bodyover tidal and diel cycles, and to assess the role of behaviourin maintaining population distribution in estuarine/coastalwaters in relation to selected environmental factors. Watertemperature, salinity, tidal height and light intensity wereconcurrently measured. Distribution of the shrimp across theestuary was uniform and consistent between daylight or darkperiods, and among flood or ebb tides. Changes of A.sibogaeabundance were related to light and tidal cycles at each sitewith higher catches in dark periods and during flood tides.Acetes sibogae also exhibited both nocturnal and tidal verticalmovements in the water body, with greater numbers being onlyfound near-surface rather than near-bottom during flood tidesand at night. No significant differences in the distributionof size groups were found between any sampled levels of anysite. Acetes sibogae was highly aggregated in the water body.It is suggested that aggregating behaviour and tidal and nocturnalvertical movements act to facilitate population maintenancein estuarine/coastal waters.
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