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引用本文:陈绪中,程中平,张忠慧,王圣梅,黄宏文. 甘肃地区野生桃种质资源与开发利用[J]. 中国野生植物资源, 2005, 24(5): 37-38
作者姓名:陈绪中  程中平  张忠慧  王圣梅  黄宏文
摘    要:甘肃省地形复杂,分布有多种野生桃物种,在对野生桃居群多样性研究的采样过程中,于2004年7~9月份在甘肃的天水、平凉、庆阳等地进行了实地调查和了解,同时综合了前人的研究成果,对甘肃野生桃资源的状况进行了初步总结、分析,提出了对甘肃野生桃资源的合理保护的策略和开发利用的建议.

关 键 词:甘肃  野生桃  种质资源

Germplasm Resource of Wild Peach in Gansu and Its Exploitation and Utilization
Chen Xuzhong,Cheng Zhongping,Zhang Zhonghui,Wang Shengmei,Huang Hongwen. Germplasm Resource of Wild Peach in Gansu and Its Exploitation and Utilization[J]. Chinese Wild Plant Resources, 2005, 24(5): 37-38
Authors:Chen Xuzhong  Cheng Zhongping  Zhang Zhonghui  Wang Shengmei  Huang Hongwen
Abstract:The terrain in Gansu province is complex and distribute many wild peach there.During sampling for study on diversity of peach population from July to September in 2004,the region of Tianshui,Pingliang and Qingyang was investigated,and the situation of wild peach resource in Gansu was primarily summarized and analyzed,and further measures for exploitation and utilization were suggested.
Keywords:Gansu  Wild peach  Germplasm resource
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