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引用本文:刘孟奇,周浙昆. 栲属(壳斗科)植物的现代和地史分布[J]. 云南植物研究, 2006, 28(3): 223-235
作者姓名:刘孟奇  周浙昆
作者单位:1. 中国科学院昆明植物研究所生物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室,云南,昆明,650204;中国科学院研究生院,北京,100039
2. 中国科学院昆明植物研究所生物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室,云南,昆明,650204
摘    要:根据文献资料和标本馆及化石记录,讨论了壳斗科栲属植物的现代分布和地史分布。现代栲属植物有110~134种,主要分布在东亚及东南亚,其中印度支那地区有82种栲属植物,是世界栲属植物分布最集中的地区,马来西亚地区是栲属特有种最丰富的事实是支持马来西亚地区与其它地区的区系交流十分有限的论据。中国栲属植物最丰富的地区是滇黔桂地区(29种)。栲属植物现代多样化中心在马来西亚和中南半岛。排除Chrysolepis后,栲属的分布类型应属热带亚洲分布。栲属在地质历史上有着比现在广泛的分布,最早、最可靠的栲属化石记录发现于北美始新世地层,欧洲和日本始新世也有栲属的化石记录,化石记录表明栲属起源的时间不晚于古新世,所有的壳斗科及栲属的化石都发现于北半球,现代分布也主要在北半球,壳斗科及栲属起源于北半球可以确认,由于化石证据与现代植物学的研究结果有较大差异以及关键地区化石证据的不足,具体的起源地尚不能肯定。

关 键 词:栲属  壳斗科  现代分布  地史分布  特有种

Modern and Geological Distribution of Castanopsis (Fagaceae)
LIU Meng-Qi,ZHOU Zhe-Kun. Modern and Geological Distribution of Castanopsis (Fagaceae)[J]. Acta Botanica Yunnanica, 2006, 28(3): 223-235
Authors:LIU Meng-Qi  ZHOU Zhe-Kun
Affiliation:1. Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biogeography, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650204, China; 2. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China
Abstract:Modern and geological distributions of Castanopsis,(Fagaceae),are studied based on published data from both botany and palaeobotany,and herbarium records.There are 110 to 134 modern species in genus Castanopsis,and the species are mainly concentrated in Eastern and Southeastern Asia,especially rich in the floristic region of Indo-China with 82 species.There are 29 species endemic to Malaysian region,the richest endemism region of this genus.This fact supports the result from molecular research that floristic migration in this region is limited.The floristic region of Dian (Yunnan)-Qian (Guizhou)-Gui (Guangxi) has the highest Castanopsis species diversity in China,with 29 species.The Indo-Chinese Peninsula and Malaysia may be considered as two modern centers of diversity of this genus.If genus Chrysolepis is excluded,the distribution type of Castanopsis is of tropical Asia.The earliest and reliable records of Castanopsis were back to Eocene,and the subfamily fossil records found from Paleocene,which indicated that the appearance of Castanopsis is not later than Paleocene.All fossil records of Fagaceae including Castanopsis reported from the Northern Hemisphere and their main modern distribution regions are also in the Northern Hemisphere.Thus,it may be concluded that the Northern Hemisphere is the original place of Fagaceae and Castanopsis.
Keywords:Castanopsis   Fagaceae   Modem distribution   Geological distribution   Endemic species
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