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Immunological activity of a Proteus vaccine administered to volunteers simultaneously with a pyoimmunogen and adsorbed staphylococcal anatoxin
Authors:L A Levina  V A Iurova  L S Kre?nin  K G Kaverina  V G Dubova
Abstract:The comparative study of the immunological activity of Proteus vaccine prepared from soluble antigenic complexes was made after the immunization of volunteers with this vaccine used in the form of a single preparation and in combination with pyoimmunogen (Pseudomonas aeruginosa vaccine) and/or adsorbed staphylococcal toxoid. The injection of the vaccine in the form of a single preparation and in different combinations increased the ingestion of Proteus cells by neutrophils. The injection of Proteus vaccine simultaneously with pyoimmunogen and staphylococcal toxoid ensured the intensive phagocytosis of staphylococci. All combinations with Proteus vaccine, used in this investigation, stimulated the intensive formation of antibodies to Proteus vaccine strain and Re-glycolipid. Proteus vaccine introduced in combination with adsorbed staphylococcal toxoid essentially stimulated the synthesis of anti-alpha-staphylolysin.
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