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Egg size and clutch size in two Daphnia species grown at different food levels
Authors:Guisande, Castor   Gliwicz, Z.Maciej
Affiliation:Max-Planck-Institut für Limnologie D-2320 Plön, FRG 1Present address: Departamento de Recursos Naturais e Medio Ambiente, Universidade de Vigo Aptdo. 874, 36200 Vigo, Spain 2 Present address: Department of Hydrobiology, University of Warsaw Nowy Swiat 67, 00-046 Warsaw, Poland
Abstract:The effect of three different Scenedesmus food concentrations(0.04, 0.2 and 1 mg C l–1) on maternal investment wasstudied in two cladoceran species of similar size, Daphnia pulicariaand D.hyalina. It was observed that as food concentration decreased(between 1 and 0.2 mg C l–1), there was an increase insize, protein content, lipid content, carbon and mass of theegg, while, at the same time, the clutch size of the femalesbecame smaller. Such an increase in ‘per offspring investment’was reflected in an increase in body length, body carbon andbody mass of neonates as the food available for females decreased.However, in D.pulicaria this tendency was not maintained downat 0.04 mg C l–1 in which there was a decrease of theegg characteristics mentioned above. Although, there are notavailable all the egg and neonate parameters of D.hyalina at0.04 mg C l–1, the body length of the neonates was largerthan at 0.2 and 1 mg C l–1. These results show that, asfood diminishes, these two cladoceran species are able to respondby decreasing clutch size, but increasing the size of egg, therebyincreasing the probability of neonate survival. This tendencyis probably maintained until the food concentration is too lowand the females have to reduce the energy allocated for reproduction.
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