(1) Division of Biotechnology, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, 176 061 Palampur, HP, India
Changes in endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and phenols were determined in petals of two diverse species of rose, viz., Rosa damascena Mill and Rosa bourboniana Desport during flower development. A progressive increase in free ABA was observed during flower development till full bloom in both the species with higher content of free ABA in Rosa damascena. While bound ABA level increased in Rosa damascena till stage 6, in Rosa bourboniana it continued to increase till full bloom. Acidic phenols increased slowly in both the species till stage 4, but sharply afterwards and no significant differences were noticed during full bloom period. Bound phenols content was higher in Rosa damascena during full bloom period. The significance of these changes in relation to flowering in the two diverse species of rose is discussed.