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引用本文:陈冬生,张际峰,聂刘旺. 大头蛙Sox基因的克隆与序列分析[J]. 生物学杂志, 2005, 22(3): 13-15
作者姓名:陈冬生  张际峰  聂刘旺
摘    要:参考人SRY基因HMC—box的保守区序列,设计一对特异引物,采用PCR技术扩增了大头蛙的Sox基因,并对扩增产物进行了克隆与测序。结果在雌雄个体中均扩增出217bp的基因片段,与人对照相同。序列分析表明,大头蛙雌雄个体之间Sox序列没有差异,与人SOX基因的同源性达到88%,与其它各类动物的Sox基因也都有非常高的相似性。结果支持Sox基因在进化上十分保守的结论。

关 键 词:大头蛙 Sox基因 克隆 序列分析

The clone and sequence analysis of the Sox gene in Rana kuhlii
CHEN Dong-sheng,ZHANG Ji-Feng,NIE Liu-Wang. The clone and sequence analysis of the Sox gene in Rana kuhlii[J]. Journal of Biology, 2005, 22(3): 13-15
Authors:CHEN Dong-sheng  ZHANG Ji-Feng  NIE Liu-Wang
Abstract:Using PCR,The Sox genes of Rana kuhlii were amplified with a pair of primers,based on the human SRY gene,Then the amplication products were cloned and sequenced.The results showed that both male and female frog have the Sox gene,which length were all 217bp and equal to that of the human SRY gene.The result of sequencing showed there was no differences in the Sox genes between the male and the female frogs.Sequece analysises indicated there were high identities between frog and many other animals including human being.The result of this paper supported the argument that Sox gene is highly conservative in phylogenetic.
Keywords:Rana kuhlii  Sox gene  clone  sequence analysis
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