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Effect of ammonium ions on spiramycin biosynthesis in Streptomyces ambofaciens
Authors:Ahmed Lebrihi  Driss Lamsaif  Gérard Lefebvre  Pierre Germain
Affiliation:(1) Institut für Mikrobiologie, Universität Münster, Corrensstrasse 3, W-4400 Münster, Federal Republic of Germany
Abstract:The physiological significance of trans unsaturated fatty acids, which are constituents of membrane lipids of the phenol-degrading bacterium Pseudomonas putita P8, was studied. The addition of phenol or phenol derivatives to the cells induced the formation of trans unsaturated fatty acids, yielding an overall maximal amount of 41.3% of total fatty acids. The inhibition of de-novo lipid synthesis by cerulenin prevented the change in the degree of saturation in the lipids. However, the cells could still respond to phenols with an amplified conversion of cis into trans unsaturated fatty acids, which is apparently a post-synthesis mechanism of isomerization of the double bond. The cis/trans conversion correlated with growth inhibition induced by toxic concentrations of 4-chlorophenol, whereas only growing cells were able to change the degree of saturation. In cells that were protected against phenol by immobilization in calcium alginate, the conversion of cis into trans fatty acids occurred at higher toxin concentrations compared with free cells. Cells entering the stationary growth phase increased the prodortion of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids but maintained a constant trans/cis ratio.P. putida P8 reacted to an increase or decrease in the growth temperature with an appropriate change in the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids and in cells inhibited by cerulenin with a change in the trans/cis ratio. This study shows that the physiological role of the cis/trans conversion is probably the regulation of membrane fluidity when the most important mechanism for this, the modification of the degree of saturation, cannot by used by the cells due to inhibition of growth and lipid biosynthesis.Correspondence to: H. Keweloh
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