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Optimized Transection: A Prelude to Oriented Sectioning
Authors:Michael A. Gorycki
Affiliation: a New York University Medical Center, New York, New York
A technique is described which permits blocks of tissue to be flat-embedded in euhedral plastic castings and then to be transected along a plane so that sections may be cut which are optimally oriented to the internal ultrastructure of the block. In the transection procedure a hollow plastic cylinder is placed on the specimen trimming block. The cylinder's top prescribes a plane to which the tissue block is accurately oriented and clamped at a predetermined level. Two hand files and a burnisher are worked across the cylinder's top to 1) remove extraneous material above the plane of transection, 2) expose the tissue for sectioning and 3) smooth the block face. The clear plastic at the periphery of the exposed tissue is then easily trimmed away with a razor blade. The result is a block face with a flat, reflective surface which may be quickly aligned to the knife on the ultramicrotome. The effort needed to transect, align and face the block is minimal and 1-micron or semithin sections produced will be precisely parallel to, and at, the plane of transection. Dust produced by the transection procedure is easily eliminated from the work area by use of a small disposable vacuum cleaner. The technique of producing optimally oriented light microscope sections, using the transector, is enhanced by application of solvents to the block face which cause it to develop a temporary low relief, exactly matching the structural detail of sections cut from the block face. Areas of interest can be accurately located and isolated on the block face, using only a hand-held razor blade, so that oriented ultrathin sections of important regions can be routinely cut and examined in the electron microscope.
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