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Ultrastructure of Tricornia muhezae N. G., N. Sp. (Microspora, Thelohaniidae), a Parasite of Mansonia africana (Diptera: Culicidae) from Tanzania
Affiliation:Department of Biology Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT. Collections of Mansonia africana mosquito larvae were made at one site in N.E. Tanzania in 1985 and 1987 and from two additional sites, both within about 2 mi of the original one in 1987. An octosporous microsporidian, present at all three sites, was found in both years infecting from 7 to 22% of larvae. Spores (stained in Giemsa) measured 3.0 μ m × 0.25 μ m × 2.25 μ m × 0.26 μ m. Ultrastructurally, spores were seen to have an anterior rim surrounding a depressed area where the endospore was at its thinnest. In transmission electron microscopy section, the rim appeared as two processes into which all layers of the wall extended. At the posterior end all layers of the wall extended into a simple knob-like structure which could be interpreted as a section through a crest running longitudinally around the spore. The polar filament was anisofilar, with two anterior coils of greater diameter than the three posterior coils. Although most closely resembling the genera Amblyspora and Parathelohania in the family Thelohaniidae, the species in M. africana differs from the former, which has oval spores, broadly rounded at the ends, and from the latter, which has a prominent, ridged posterior extension to the spores. The new species has been placed in a new genus and the name Tricornia muhezae proposed.
Keywords:Culicine mosquito    microsporidium    taxonomy
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