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引用本文:王惠梅,谢小燕,苏晓娜,江绍玫,吴建利. 中国菰资源研究现状及应用前景[J]. 植物遗传资源学报, 2018, 19(2): 279-288
作者姓名:王惠梅  谢小燕  苏晓娜  江绍玫  吴建利
摘    要:中国菰(Zizania latifolia(Griseb.)Turcz.ex Stapf)是一种多年生禾本科稻亚科稻族菰属挺水植物。研究表明,菰具有现代水稻栽培品种所需要的许多优良性状,在生态治理方面表现出应用潜力;菰米营养价值高于普通稻米,且兼具保健功效。菰的这些特性使其在水稻种质改良、重金属离子污染土壤治理以及功能性食品开发方面表现出诱人的前景。近年来,菰属植物的研究工作取得了一定的进展,主要涉及菰的起源进化、菰的经济价值、菰与生态环境的关系、菰遗传多样性分析、菰组学及育种应用等五方面。因文献报道的时间跨度大,涉及面广,目前未见详尽的有关该物种研究进展的专门论述。本文从上述5个方面进行总结,促进对菰的了解,为这种重要野生资源的研究、保护和开发利用提供借鉴,进而加速该物种的研究进程。

关 键 词:  水稻  遗传多样性  分子标记

Current Researches and Potential Application of Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Turcz. in China
Affiliation:China National Rice Research Institute,College of Aart, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,College of Aart, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,,China National Rice Research Institute
Abstract:Zizania Latifolia (Griseb.) Turcz. belongs to an aquatic herbaceous plant of Oryzeae tribe, a close genera of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and a potential donor of genes controlling elite traits of agronomic importance for rice breeding. In addition, it has been shown that Z. latifolia plays an important role for ecological maintainence. Recently, progress has been achieved in many aspects. In this review, we focus on the findings of Z. latifolia study from the following five aspects: the origin and evolution, focus on the findings of Z. latifolia study from the following five aspects: the origin and evolution, the economic value, the relationship with ecological environment, the genetic diversity analysis and the application practice in rice breeding. We expect that this review would provide basic knowlewdege on various aspects of Z. latifolia and clues on protection of this important species.
Keywords:Zizania latifolia  Oryza sativa L.   Genetic diversity  Molecular marker
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