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Variability of globulin composition in cultivars and individually tested seeds of yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.)
Authors:Wiktoria Ratajczak  Sławomir Borek  Arkadiusz Podgórski  Lech Ratajczak
Affiliation:(1) Department of Plant Physiology, A. Mickiewicz University, Al. Niepodległości 14, 61-713 Poznań, Poland
Abstract:A study on globulins, major storage proteins in yellow lupin seeds, called conglutins, was conducted using SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In this paper, an extensive and not yet published list of yellow lupin conglutins is presented. The patterns of subunits of major conglutins in seeds of three yellow lupin cultivars were similar to each other, varying only in the level of some polypeptides. Investigations of seeds of cultivar Parys showed considerable quantitative differences in major subunits. Some minor subunits occurred only in some seeds and were absent in the others. Great differences were shown between single individuals in the amount of subunits of conglutin which is of the most nutritional value due to high content of methionine.
Keywords:conglutins   Lupinus luteus L.  nutritional value of globulins  seeds  storage proteins
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