Abstract: | SYNOPSIS. The ultrastructure of attached Trypanosoma vivax epimastigote clusters in the proboscis of the tsetse fly Glossina fuscipes is described from electron micrographs of thin sections. Some flagellates are attached directly to the lining of the insect's labrum by their flagella, most of which are aligned along the long axis of the proboscis. Other trypanosomes are attached indirectly, their flagella adhering to those of flagellates which are directly attached. Junctional complexes similar to those described from metazoan epithelia are found on the flagellar membrane. A long zonular hemidesmosome attaches the flagellum to the proboscis wall and a series of closely set macular desmosomes link the flagellar membranes of adjacent flagellates. Unlike the trypomastigote stages of T. vivax, more than one row of macular desmosomes may be present along the flagellum-body junction of the trypanosome. It is suggested that all these Junctional complexes serve to buttress the flagellate's attachment to its insect host and so maintain anchorage of the parasite during the fly's blood meals. The ability of the flagellum of trypanosomatids to form Junctional complexes may be a factor contributing to their success as parasites, this adaptation enabling them to multiply while attached to host surfaces. |