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引用本文:张际峰,聂刘旺,彭巧玲,葛亚东,王洋,许竞成,唐鑫生. 从线粒体基因探讨中国大头蛙群的分类及其属内地位[J]. 动物学报, 2005, 51(2): 354-359
作者姓名:张际峰  聂刘旺  彭巧玲  葛亚东  王洋  许竞成  唐鑫生
作者单位:1. 安徽师范大学生命科学学院,安徽芜湖,241000
2. 黄山学院生物系,安徽屯溪,245000
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (No 30370211),安徽省优秀青年科技基金 (2002),“重要生物资源保护与利用”安徽省重点实验室基金资助~~
摘    要:Partial sequences of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA gene were determined for 8 populations of three species of Chinese Limnonectes, and aligned with the published sequences of Limnonectes from other parts of the world. When Nanorana parker, Paa boulengeri, Fejervarya limnocharis and Hoplobatrachus rugulosus was used as outgroup taxa (Accession Nos. AY158705, AY313685, AF206111, AF206491, AY322311). The sequences of the 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA genes totaled 950 nueleotide positions with gaps including 510 variable sites. We reconstructed phylogenetie trees using Clustal X 1.8, Mega 2.1 and PHYLIP 3.5e software, and using the maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods, respectively. Our analyses suggest that these fanged frogs from China are another monophyletie group in addition to the four monophyletie groups identified by previous studies. The Chinese Limnonectes were grouped into three elades (BCL 55% ). The first elade contains one species (BCL 100% ), from a population of Limnoneetes fragilis from Hainan Province. The second contains four individuals (BCL 100% ), i. e. two populations of Limnonectes kuhlii from Yunnan Province. The third contains one species (BCL 100% ), i. e. five populations of Limnonectes fujianensis from Fujian Province and 1 from Taiwan Province. The resulted phylogenetie trees indicate L. fragilis is basal to L. kuhlii L. fujianensis 。

关 键 词:大头蛙  12S和16S rRNA基因  居群

Relationships among the Chinese group of Limnonectes based on mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA sequences
ZHANG Ji-Feng,NIE Liu-Wang,PENG Qiao-Ling,GE Ya-Dong,WANG Yang,XU Jing-Cheng,TANG Xin-Sheng. Relationships among the Chinese group of Limnonectes based on mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA sequences[J]. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 2005, 51(2): 354-359
Authors:ZHANG Ji-Feng  NIE Liu-Wang  PENG Qiao-Ling  GE Ya-Dong  WANG Yang  XU Jing-Cheng  TANG Xin-Sheng
Abstract:Partial sequences of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA gene were determined for 8 populations of three species of Chinese Limnonectes, and aligned with the published sequences of Limnonectes from other parts of the world. When Nanorana parker, Paa boulengeri, Fejervarya limnocharis and Hoplobatrachus rugulosus was used as outgroup taxa (Accession Nos. AY158705, AY313685, AF206111, AF206491, AY322311). The sequences of the 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA genes totaled 950 nucleotide positions with gaps including 510 variable sites. We reconstructed phylogenetic trees using Clustal X 1.8,Mega 2.1 and PHYLIP 3.5c software, and using the maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods, respectively. Our analyses suggest that these fanged frogs from China are another monophyletic group in addition to the four monophyletic groups identified by previous studies. The Chinese Limnonectes were grouped into three clades (BCL 55%). The first clade contains one species (BCL 100%), from a population of Limnonectes fragilis from Hainan Province. The second contains four individuals (BCL 100%), i.e. two populations of Limnonectes kuhlii from Yunnan Province. The third contains one species (BCL 100%), i.e. five populations of Limnonectes fujianensis from Fujian Province and 1 from Taiwan Province. The resulted phylogenetic trees indicate L. fragilis is basal to L. kuhlii + L. fujianensis .
Keywords:Limnonectes  12S and 16S rRNA genes  Population
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