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The complex influence of environmental factors on the state of microcirculation
Authors:Litvin F G
Abstract:The state of microcirculation system and its regulation in peace and after growing physical activity is analyzed on people living in different ecological regions. There are three main types of microcirculation. The level of regulation mechanisms activity depends on the type of microcirculation, region of residence and the value of physical activity. People living in a relatively clean regions have stable mechanisms of regulation despite of the level of activity. Mesoemic type living in toxic radiation regions have reduced contribution of VLF and LF-fluctuation (p < 0.05); hypoemic type living in toxic regions have VLF and LF-fluctuation (p < 0.05); hyperemic type living in toxic regions have LF-fluctuation (p < 0.05). We can conclude the tension of regulatory machanisms in microcirculation system increases under ecological pressure and borders on failure of adaptation process.
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