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引用本文:尹佟明. 林木基因组及功能基因克隆研究概述[J]. 遗传, 2010, 32(7): 677-684. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2010.00677
作者单位:南京林业大学, 江苏省杨树品种改良与种质创新重点实验室, 南京 210037
摘    要:在美国能源部资助下, 首个多年生木本植物-- 杨树的全基因组测序已经完成且序列信息已对公众开放。杨树全基因组测序的完成标志着林木基因组进入后基因组研究时代。克隆控制重要性状的主效基因是林木后基因组时代的主要研究内容。近年来, 在一些重要作物, 如水稻、蕃茄及玉米中, 先后成功克隆了多个控制重要农艺性状的主效基因, 分子育种在作物中已进入实用阶段。林木相对于这些重要作物而言, 分子遗传学的研究起步较晚, 同时, 由于林木自身的一些生物学特性, 在林木中精确定位与克隆未知基因一度被视为遗传学研究领域的难点。随着技术和研究手段的不断进步, 以及林木基因组资源的快速积累, 有望在这一领域取得突破, 为在林木中开展分子育种创造条件。文章综述了国际上林木基因组与功能基因克隆研究的现状与新发展, 并对后基因组时代的林木功能基因克隆研究的预期成果进行了展望, 以期为从事该领域研究的科研人员提供参考。

关 键 词:反向遗传学  正向遗传学  连锁分析  相关分析  分子育种  基因克隆  林木基因组  

A review of the genomic and gene cloning studies in trees
YIN Tong-Ming. A review of the genomic and gene cloning studies in trees[J]. Hereditas, 2010, 32(7): 677-684. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2010.00677
Authors:YIN Tong-Ming
Affiliation:Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Poplar Germplasm Enhancement and Variety Improvement, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
Abstract:Supported by the Department of Energy (DOE) of U.S., the first tree genome, black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa), has been completely sequenced and publicly release. This is the milestone that indicates the beginning of post-genome era for forest trees. Identification and cloning genes underlying important traits are one of the main tasks for the post-genome-era tree genomic studies. Recently, great achievements have been made in cloning genes coordinating important domestication traits in some crops, such as rice, tomato, maize and so on. Molecular breeding has been applied in the practical breeding programs for many crops. By contrast, molecular studies in trees are lagging behind. Trees possess some characteristics that make them as difficult organisms for studying on locating and cloning of genes. With the advances in techniques, given also the fast growth of tree genomic resources, great achievements are desirable in cloning unknown genes from trees, which will facilitate tree improvement programs by means of molecular breeding. In this paper, the author reviewed the progress in tree genomic and gene cloning studies, and prospected the future achievements in order to provide a useful reference for researchers working in this area.
Keywords:gene cloning  tree genome  reverse genetics  forward genetics  linkage analysis  association analysis  molecular breeding  
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